07. Questions for Policy Makers about 'Conversion Therapy' - Dr Carys Moseley


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Ten Questions for Policy Makers about the Government-commission Research on 'Conversion Therapy' In the context of a proposed 'Conversion Therapy" Ban the UK Government relies on scientific research carried out by Coventry University. This series of videos will challenge that statement to show that the research this study relies on is scientifically flawed and a ban would harm adults and under 18s. It is therefore unsafe. The published, peer-reviewed research we present is supported by scientific literature and a growing number of first-hand experiences. Empirical Evidence and live testimonies will show that affirming children to reject their biological sex, transgendering them with hormonal and surgical interventions causes harm.Full information: https://iftcc.org/is-the-government-ban-on-conversion-therapy-safe/Visit us at:https://iftcc.orghttps://www.facebook.com/theIFTCCDonate:https://iftcc.org/donate/